Acne re-appeared in my mid-30s,something I totally didn’t expect.

I had my 2nd dose of Covid-19 vaccine at the end of August 2021. Unfortunately, in September 2021, my face started breaking out (particularly at the jawline and neck area).

The pimples were red, inflamed with pus. They were itchy and painful when you touch them. Occasionally, they bleed.

I have not had acne since my teenage days, so it came as a surprise for me. I didn’t think much about it initially and applied some pimple cream.

It worsened as time passed by. I went to see a Chinese doctor for TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) therapy.

2 different TCM doctors with different approaches for the cure. One suggested a prescription to supress the pimples while the other suggested a prescription to let it all out.

Had a month of medication each, which unfortunately did not clear my acne.

26 Jan 2022

I decided to see a dermatologist who introduced me to Nimegen.  

My skin journey with Nimegen

My dermatologist offered me a few options on what we can do to treat this serve acne, including antibiotics, oral contraceptives, or Isotretinoin.

I chose Isotretinoin because it seemed to be a more effective solution compared to the other 2.

Nimegen (Isotretinoin) is a form of oral Vitamin A. It reduces sebum (oil) production by up to 80% and reduce inflammation.

It also comes with its side effects, such as dryness on the skin, increase cholesterol, and liver issues.

It is Not suitable for people who are looking to have a baby as it may cause deformities.

The dosage is dependent on how severe the acne is and the individual’s body weight and lifestyle.

I started with 20mg (2 capules) per day.

After 9 days of Nimegen (on the morning before taking Covid-19 booster):

5 Feb 22

Side effects from Nimegen after 9 days

My lips were so dry that it didn’t feel they were mine. The skin was chapped and you can literally feel the stretch even just pursing your lips.

That was the main side effect for me. I continued to keep my face moisturized so that wasn’t an issue. Thankfully, I didn’t experience any dry eyes or rashes.

It has been about 1.5 months since taking the Covid 19 booster shot in February 2022 and about 2 months into my medication. I recently reduced the dosage to 10mg per day as I felt pain at the sides of my abdomen.

My skin rarely breaks out now (fingers crossed) and now what is left is acne scars.

You can follow my journey on dealing with acne scars here

Disclaimer: This article is solely based on my thoughts and experience. I am not a medical expert. Results may vary for individuals.

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