In our early 20s, most of us have been through the stage of partying, staying up all night long, eating junk food to replace our main meals.

The fact is, as we age, our body metabolism slows down. Lifestyle illnesses are now happening to people of a much younger age. It is easy to take our health for granted especially when we do not see the long term effects now.

Surely, you don’t want to regret by then.

Here are 5 baby steps you can take today:

1. Sleep early

Do you know that our body has a built-in clock within? Each of our organ repairs at a scheduled time daily. 11 pm to 3 am is a crucial time as the body repairs for nutrition and cell regeneration. Aim to sleep before 11 pm and let your body rebuild and repair itself.

Doze off to dreamland and your body will take care of the rest.

2. Practice healthy living

Our body metabolism slows down as we age, by about 10% each decade after our twenties. A slow metabolism rate may lead to weight gain causing illnesses. We can make small changes by reducing processed food, limiting alcohol consumption, and opting for healthier options whenever possible. Incorporating fruits and vegetables which are high in fiber can keep us full longer.

3. Get active and moving

After the age of 30, our body loses muscle tissues more easily. This worsens if we lead a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle increases the cause of mortality and our risk of cardiovascular diseases. Research has shown that living a sedentary lifestyle is the new smoking. Start small by taking short walk breaks at work and incorporating fun activities within the day to keep active.

4. Build up your calcium level

Between the age of 25 to 50, our bone density generally remains stable with an equal amount of bones formed and broken. After this age, our bone resorption outpaces bone formation. There is a saying that we should start storing calcium early just like we start saving early for a rainy day. Dairy, canned sardines, and tofu are good sources of calcium.

5. Go for health screening yearly

It’s never too early to go for health screening. Many lifestyle illnesses are happening to people as young as 30 years old. Going for checks early helps detect and prevent it from getting serious especially if these illnesses run in your family history. It also acts as a piece of assurance if all is well.

Take some time to make these appointments and talk to your health care provider today.

Incorporate these small habits into your life today so you can reap the benefits of them in the long run ! 

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